Celebrating National Hispanic Heritage Month

September 15 to October 15 is National Hispanic American Heritage Month.

Each year, Americans observe National Hispanic Heritage Month from September 15 to October 15, by celebrating the histories, cultures and contributions of American citizens whose ancestors came from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean and Central and South America.

The Hispanic population has been integral to the prosperity of the U.S.  Their contributions to the nation are immeasurable, and they embody the best of American values. The Hispanic-American community has left an indelible mark on the U.S. culture, real estate, and economy.

Find out more about Hispanic Heritage Month here.

Celebrating in Greater Louisville

Carnaval Latino at Bellarmine University  – September 20
Latin Music Awards of Kentucky – September 21
Ballet Hispánico – October 12
11 Hispanic Owned Louisville Restaurants – GoToLouisville.com
Support LaCasita Center
Support Adelante Hispanic Achievers

Hispanic Homeownership Statistics








Barriers for Hispanic Homeownership

  • Home price appreciation challenges
  • Affordability challenges that price out middle-class families
  • Low inventory
  • Rise in interest rates
  • Student loan debt
  • Multiple offers competition
  • Investor impact on the market


Opportunities for Hispanic Homeownership

According to the 2023 State of Hispanic Homeownership Report:
As Hispanic homeownership rates continue to climb, several demographic and economic indicators demonstrate the likelihood of continued longevity for Latinos in advancing homeownership opportunities. Latinos are the youngest and second-largest racial or ethnic demographic in the country, driving both U.S. population and household formation growth, key precursors to homeownership. With the highest labor force participation rate for more than two decades, Latinos have consistently experienced rising incomes and educational attainment, two economic factors that contribute to homeownership readiness. Latinos are also taking advantage of multigenerational living, sharing economic resources to make homeownership more attainable.


Read the State of Hispanic Homeownership Report®️, a publication of the National Association of Hispanic Real Estate Professionals®️.

Explore Hispanic Culture

La Musica – LaMusica is a free radio service, podcasts, playlists, and videos with the most popular music and news in Latin entertainment you’ve ever seen before.

The Latin Grammys – The latest Latin music and news.

Latino USA – Latino USA is the longest running Latino-focused program on U.S. public media.



Get To Know Our Industry Partner, NAHREP Louisville

NAHREP is a non-profit 501(c)(6) trade association with more than 30,000 members and 80 chapters across the nation.

NAHREP members work in all segments of the housing industry and are real estate agents, brokers, loan officers, mortgage brokers, title officers, escrow officers, appraisers, insurance agents and more. NAHREP members are from diverse backgrounds as membership is not limited to professionals of Hispanic descent.

To get involved with NAHREP, visit their Louisville Chapter at NAHREP Louisville.