| | | | | 1 | 2 |
3 | 4Directors Room Hold | L.Ford | 5Kentucky Core | CC 2 | 6NAR Annual NXT Governance Meetings and The REALTOR® Experience | Boston, MAEthics: Cases and Scenarios | CC1&2KREC Top 10 List | CC 2 | 7NAR Annual NXT Governance Meetings and The REALTOR® Experience | Boston, MA**NEW** Life After NAR Settlement | CC1&2 | 8NAR Annual NXT Governance Meetings and The REALTOR® Experience | Boston, MAMilitary Veteran Housing | CC2 | 9NAR Annual NXT Governance Meetings and The REALTOR® Experience | Boston, MA |
10NAR Annual NXT Governance Meetings and The REALTOR® Experience | Boston, MA | 11GLAR Office Closed | Veterans DayNAR Annual NXT Governance Meetings and The REALTOR® Experience | Boston, MA | 12NAR Annual NXT Governance Meetings and The REALTOR® Experience | Boston, MAZOOM LIVE Agency Law & DisclosureAgency Law & Disclosure | CC 2Fair Housing | CC 2 | 13ZOOM LIVE Advertising Law & EthicsAdvertising Law & Ethics | CC 2ZOOM LIVE Contract Law & TheoryContract Law & Theory | CC 2 | 14KREC License Compliance I CC 2ZOOM LIVE KREC License Compliance9:30-11 | VAREP Board Meeting, CC111-12 | VAREP Lunch & Learn, CC1The Older Client & The RE Agent | CC2 Staff Meeting | Directors Room | 15*NEW*Navigating Personalities for Professional Success | CC 2Survey Says I CC 2 | 16 |
17 | 18Landlord Tenant Law | CC 2ZOOM LIVE Landlord Tenant LawDirectors Room Hold, L.FordZOOM LIVE Listing & Sales ContractsListing and Sales Contract | CC 2Corporate Transparency Act Seminar with Harry Borders | 19Small Conference Room | KYR, Julie JohnsonAnti-Trust Law & Practice | CC 2Building an Ethics AI-Drive Real Estate Industry-Marki Lemons RyhalDirectors Room Hold | L. FordEthics: Cases & Scenarios | CC | 20Disclosures Allowed, Required & Prohibited | CC 2Room Rental - Mattingly FordForms Committee | Director's Room | 21CANCELLED, KHC Financing | CC2Using RPR-Better Buyer/Seller | CC 1 | 22Directors Room Hold, L FordDirectors Room | C. Fulkerson | 23 |
24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28Thanksgiving Day | GLAR office closed | 29GLAR office closed | 30 |