July 2024 Events

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1Directors Room Hold | L.Ford2Directors Room Hold | J.LeeGLAR Nominating Committee | Directors RoomMSI Nominating Committee | Directors Room34GLAR office closed5GLAR Office Closed6
78910NAR Communication Directors Institute11NAR Communication Directors Institute1-4 | Learning the FlexMLS System, CC3 Directors Room Hold | Ford12NAR Communication Directors Institute13
1415169-12 | Ethics: Cases & Scenarios, CC29-12 | ZOOM Live | Ethics: Cases & Scenarios1-4 | Buyer Disclosure CC2Freddie Mac Webinar-Discover the Possibilities with Home Possible® Mortgages and Home One17Awards and Recognition Task ForceCANCELLED: Forms Committee | Director's Room1810-11 VAREP Board Meeting | CC2VAREP Lunch & Learn | 11am-12pm, CC2VAREP Networking Mixer | 6pm-8:30pm1920
2122Directors Room Hold | Clancy23Leadership Institute | CC #2Guide to MLS Changes | Facebook LiveWEBINAR | Guide to How to Create a Memorable RE BrandP&P Task Force Meeting | Directors Room24Directors Room Hold | Ford25Directors Room Hold | Clancy9-12 | Transaction Desk/Authentisig CC32627
2829WEBINAR | AI-Powered Real Estate: Unleashing Practical Strategies for Success309-4 | ZOOM Live | Kentucky Core9-4 | Kentucky CORE CC2WEBINAR | Guide to MLS Changes31WEBINAR | Guide to Elevating Your Value Proposition with Buyers and Sellers