December 2024 Events

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
12KYR 2025 Leadership Conference | LexingtonEducation Hold CC1&23KYR 2025 Leadership Conference | LexingtonMediation, Arbitration, Litigation -What's the Difference?ICC 2Property Management for RE Licensees I CC 24KYR 2025 Leadership Conference | Lexington*NEW* To Disclose Or Not | CC 2*NEW* Code Of Ethics vs. License Law | CC25Kentucky Core | CC 267
89Mind Your Business I CC 2Real Property Titled in Real Estate I CC 210Sales Contracts | CC 2MSI Board of Directors Meeting | Director's RoomEthics: Here and Now | CC 211Death, Divorce, & Taxes I CC 2Forms Committee | Director's Room12Education Hold CC1&2GLAR Installation and Holiday Party13Kentucky Core I CC 2NAREB Louisville | Annual Holiday Gala14
1516Recent KREC Cases I CC 2Ethics & Law, Not Always The Same I CC 217Finance Executive Committee Meeting | Director's RoomWriting the Problem Free Contract I CC 2The Tell All on Title Insurance I CC 218Education Hold CC1&219Kentucky Core I CC 2GLAR Board of Directors Meeting | Director's Room2021
222324GLAR office closed25GLAR office closed26GLAR Office Closed27GLAR Office Closed28
2930GLAR Office Closed31GLAR office closed